Steven is a gifted intuitive medium, ordained interspiritual minister, wellness facilitator and teacher of traditional yoga and meditation. With 20 years on the yogic path, he is a devotee of Paramhansa Yogananda. Steven holds a masters in divinity from All Paths Divinity School.


My Story

Throughout my life I have always been sensitive. In the early days I felt this was a curse and it was only much later when it dawned on me I had been blessed with the gift of sensitivity.

My own spiritual awakening began in the summer of 2000. After going through a painful breakup and a personal breakdown I heard a calm voice speak within me. This is the beginning of the rest of your life. Although I found that hard to believe at the time, it was a year later when I moved to Houston, Texas the voice spoke again. A profound yet sweet voice instructed me to find out the deeper meaning of life. At age 26 I was not passionate about anything, but out of nowhere a thirst for knowledge came to me that continues to this day. My struggle with anxiety eventually led me to dive into eastern teachings, energy healing and meditation.

In those formative years an intense desire for enlightenment and mystical experience grew within me. If there was a spiritual rabbithole to go down then I dived head first. At this time I began to perceive subtle energies and was told that I had healing gifts. My spiritual healing mentor ushered me into hands-on healing where I visited hospitals, cancer patients, hospice and the infirm.

In 2009, my wife and I moved to Austin and opened Eastside Yoga. Over the course of nine years we built a thriving yoga community and taught thousands of classes. My calling was to integrate all the eight limbs of yoga and return the ancient practice back to its sacred roots. As a devotee of Paramhansa Yoganada, I was initially puzzled by the fixation on the body and the disconnection to the spiritual side of our tradition. I strived to bridge modern postural yoga to the ancient science of raja yoga. The path of divine union.

During the yoga center years I gave spiritual healing sessions on occasion. These were mostly silent energy work. It became obvious to me just about everyone wanted to share their burdens with me. When I began the energy healing words and images came forth, but I did not trust them. After some time (way too long) I shared what came through me. To my amazement the sharing deeply touched those receiving. This was the tentative and somewhat insecure start to my mediumship.

Five years ago I joined the Miraval Resort and offered my intuitive sessions to the guests. It became a big hit. In that time I have read for thousands of people and witnessed intricate karmic guidance from my guides. I cannot say I have mastered my craft, however I have been fortunate, through sheer volume, to develop my craft in a short space of time.

I am grateful to my wife Elsa for always encouraging my unorthodox work. She is one that me got me out from underneath my insecure rock. So many mentors and teachers have shown the way for me. I can safely say I stood on the shoulders of some greats.

When I consider the immense gift of my spirit guides I am amazed. They do the real work in the astral realm. They are highly organized, brilliant, endlessly loving and quite funny at times. If only people knew the extent by which they want to support our authentic path in life. We would rejoice.